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getPropertyNamesRaw() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b64
Returns a String List or JSON Array containing the names of the Token Properties on a Token. The type of the value returned depends on the delimiter parameter. The difference between this function and getPropertyNames() is that getPropertyNames() returns all the property names in lower case (see this forum thread to get the reason why it was created).


getPropertyNamesRaw(delim, tokenRef)
getPropertyNamesRaw(delim, tokenRef, mapname)


  • delim - The delimiter used to separate the values in the String List, defaults to ",". Returns a JSON Array if set to "json".
  • tokenRef - Either the token id or Token Name of the token which has its property names returned, defaults to the Current Token.

     Note: This parameter can only be used in a Trusted Macro

  • mapname - The name of the map to find the token. Defaults to the current map.
Token IDs are unique, but Token Names can be duplicated. Using Token Name when more than one token has the same name can produce unexpected results.


To display the names of all of the properties on the current token use.
[h: names = getPropertyNamesRaw()]
[foreach(name, names, "<br>"): name]

Version Changes

  • 1.5.4 - Added mapname parameter option.


When token properties are created during campaign, they are persistent in the MapTool campaign, regardless of whether they are editable in the Edit Token window. In other words, even though a property is removed from the campaign properties, it remains available in the MapTool code. getPropertyNamesRaw() will return all token properties that exist or have ever existed in the particular campaign, even if users cannot directly edit those properties (i.e., they do not appear in the token's properties when you double click on a token). To get only properties that are currently visible and editable, use getAllPropertyNames().