(Redirected from halo)
The variable token.halo allows programmatic querying and setting of the token's Halo, a colored border that, if set, appears around the token. In the image below, the yellow border around the token is the token's halo.
Getting the Token Halo Color
Halo color: [token.halo]
Outputs the hexadecimal value for the token halo color. In the case of the example image above, it would output #ffff00.
Setting the Token Halo Color
[h:token.halo = "red"]
[h:token.halo = #ff0000]
Sets the color of the token.halo to red (or the hexadecimal value #ff0000).
Removing the Token Halo
Color Names and Standard Colors
The token.halo variable accepts the following named colors (if using a named color, enclose the value in quotes):
- Black
- Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Red
- Blue
- Cyan
- DarkGray
- Magenta
- Pink
- White
The variable will also accept any hexadecimal color value. Hexadecimal color values do not need to be enclosed in quotes.