Notepad++: Difference between revisions

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(New page: Placeholder for tutorial on enabling mtmacro syntax highlighting in Notepad++ Category:Syntax Highlighting Category:Windows Editor)
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Placeholder for tutorial on enabling mtmacro syntax highlighting in Notepad++
Notepad++ is an open source Windows text editor with syntax highlighting and many more features. You can download it for free from the [ webite]. Please refer to the help file that accompanies the program for details on creating your own user defined language using the data below.
'''Last Updated for 1.3b53'''
==Keywords Lists==
===1st Group===
'''Not prefix mode'''
<pre>e expanded
h hide hidden
r result
t tooltip
u unformatted
===2nd Group===
'''Not prefix mode'''
<pre>count code
for foreach
===3rd Group===
'''Not prefix mode'''
<pre>abort  abs  absolutevalue  add  addAllNPCsToInitiative 
addAllPCsToInitiative  addAllToInitiative  addToInitiative 
assert  average  avg  arg  argCount 
band  bitwiseand  bitwisenot  bitwiseor  bitwisexor  bnot 
bor  bringToFront  bxor 
ceil  ceiling  clearLights  closeDialog  concat  countStrProp 
createMacro  currentToken 
decode  deleteStrProp  dialog  divide  defineFunction 
encode  endsWith  eval  evalMacro  execMacro 
findToken  floor  formatStrProp 
getAllPlayerNames  getAllPropertyNames  getBar  getCurrentInitiative 
getExposedTokenNames  getExposedTokens  getFindCount  getGMName 
getGMNotes  getGroup  getGroupCount  getGroupEnd  getGroupStart 
getHalo  getImage  getImpersonated  getImpersonatedName 
getInitiative  getInitiativeHold  getInitiativeRound  getLabel 
getLayer  getLibProperty  getLights  getMacroButtonIndex 
getMacroCommand  getMacroIndexes  getMacroLocation  getMacroName 
getMacroProps  getMacros  getNPCNames  getNPCs  getName  getNotes 
getOwned  getOwnedNames  getOwners  getPCNames  getPCs 
getPlayerName  getProperty  getPropertyDefault  getPropertyNames 
getPropertyType  getSelected  getSelectedNames  getSightType 
getSize  getSpeech  getSpeechNames  getState  getStrProp 
getTokenHandout  getTokenImage  getTokenNames  getTokenPortrait 
getTokens  getVisible  getVisibleTokenNames  getVisibleTokens 
getWithState  getWithStateNames  getRawPropert  getInitiativeToken 
getTokenStates  getDistance  getDistanceToXY  getTokenX  getTokenY 
getDrawOrder  getMacroGroup  getTokenFacing  goto  getStateImage 
hasImpersonated  hasLightSource  hasMacro  hasProperty  hasSight 
hex  hypotenuse  hypot 
if  indexKeyStrProp  indexOf  indexValueStrProp  initiativeSize 
input  isBarVisible  isDialogVisible  isFrameVisible  isGM  isNPC 
isNumber  isOwnedByAll  isOwner  isPC  isPropertyEmpty  isTrusted 
json.append  json.contains  json.fields  json.fromList  json.fromStrProp
json.get  json.length  json.remove  json.set  json.sort  json.toList 
json.toStrProp  json.type  json.reverse  json.indent  json.shuffle 
json.isEmpty  json.equals  json.evaluate 
lastIndexOf  length  listAppend  listContains  listCount  listDelete 
listFind  listFormat  listGet  listInsert  listReplace  listSort 
ln  log  log10  lower 
macroLink  macroLinkText  matches  max  mean  median  min 
multiply  moveToken 
nextInitiative  number 
pow  power
removeAllFromInitiative  removeAllNPCsFromInitiative  removeAllPCsFromInitiative 
removeFromInitiative  replace  resetProperty  removeMacro  removeTokenFacing 
sendToBack  set  setAllStates  setBar  setBarVisible  setCurrentInitiative 
setGMName  setGMNotes  setHalo  setHasSight  setInitiative 
setInitiativeHold  setInitiativeRound  setLabel  setLayer  setLibProperty 
setLight  setMacroCommand  setMacroProps  setName  setNotes  setPC 
setProperty  setPropertyType  setSightType  setSize  setSpeech  setState 
setStrProp  setTokenImage  setVisible  sortInitiative  sqr  sqrt  square 
squareroot  startsWith  strPropFromVars  strfind  strformat  string 
stringToList  substring  subtract  sum  switchToken  setDrawOrder 
table  tableImage  tbl  tblImage  trim 
==Comment & Number==
===Comment Block===
====Comment Open====
====Comment Close====
===Activated Operators===
===Delimiter 1===
====Boundary Open====
====Boundary Close====
===Delimiter 2===
====Boundary Open====
====Boundary Close====
[[Category:Syntax Highlighting]]
[[Category:Syntax Highlighting]]
[[Category:Windows Editor]]
[[Category:Windows Editor]]

Revision as of 05:18, 11 March 2009

Notepad++ is an open source Windows text editor with syntax highlighting and many more features. You can download it for free from the webite. Please refer to the help file that accompanies the program for details on creating your own user defined language using the data below.

Last Updated for 1.3b53

Keywords Lists

1st Group

Not prefix mode

e expanded
h hide hidden
r result
t tooltip
u unformatted

2nd Group

Not prefix mode

count code
for foreach

3rd Group

Not prefix mode

abort  abs  absolutevalue  add  addAllNPCsToInitiative  
addAllPCsToInitiative  addAllToInitiative  addToInitiative  
assert  average  avg  arg  argCount  
band  bitwiseand  bitwisenot  bitwiseor  bitwisexor  bnot  
bor  bringToFront  bxor  
ceil  ceiling  clearLights  closeDialog  concat  countStrProp  
createMacro  currentToken  
decode  deleteStrProp  dialog  divide  defineFunction  
encode  endsWith  eval  evalMacro  execMacro  
findToken  floor  formatStrProp  
getAllPlayerNames  getAllPropertyNames  getBar  getCurrentInitiative  
getExposedTokenNames  getExposedTokens  getFindCount  getGMName  
getGMNotes  getGroup  getGroupCount  getGroupEnd  getGroupStart  
getHalo  getImage  getImpersonated  getImpersonatedName  
getInitiative  getInitiativeHold  getInitiativeRound  getLabel  
getLayer  getLibProperty  getLights  getMacroButtonIndex  
getMacroCommand  getMacroIndexes  getMacroLocation  getMacroName  
getMacroProps  getMacros  getNPCNames  getNPCs  getName  getNotes  
getOwned  getOwnedNames  getOwners  getPCNames  getPCs  
getPlayerName  getProperty  getPropertyDefault  getPropertyNames  
getPropertyType  getSelected  getSelectedNames  getSightType  
getSize  getSpeech  getSpeechNames  getState  getStrProp  
getTokenHandout  getTokenImage  getTokenNames  getTokenPortrait  
getTokens  getVisible  getVisibleTokenNames  getVisibleTokens  
getWithState  getWithStateNames  getRawPropert  getInitiativeToken  
getTokenStates  getDistance  getDistanceToXY  getTokenX  getTokenY  
getDrawOrder  getMacroGroup  getTokenFacing  goto  getStateImage  
hasImpersonated  hasLightSource  hasMacro  hasProperty  hasSight  
hex  hypotenuse  hypot  
if  indexKeyStrProp  indexOf  indexValueStrProp  initiativeSize  
input  isBarVisible  isDialogVisible  isFrameVisible  isGM  isNPC  
isNumber  isOwnedByAll  isOwner  isPC  isPropertyEmpty  isTrusted  
json.append  json.contains  json.fields  json.fromList  json.fromStrProp 
json.get  json.length  json.remove  json.set  json.sort  json.toList  
json.toStrProp  json.type  json.reverse  json.indent  json.shuffle  
json.isEmpty  json.equals  json.evaluate  
lastIndexOf  length  listAppend  listContains  listCount  listDelete  
listFind  listFormat  listGet  listInsert  listReplace  listSort  
ln  log  log10  lower  
macroLink  macroLinkText  matches  max  mean  median  min  
multiply  moveToken  
nextInitiative  number  
pow  power 
removeAllFromInitiative  removeAllNPCsFromInitiative  removeAllPCsFromInitiative  
removeFromInitiative  replace  resetProperty  removeMacro  removeTokenFacing  
sendToBack  set  setAllStates  setBar  setBarVisible  setCurrentInitiative  
setGMName  setGMNotes  setHalo  setHasSight  setInitiative  
setInitiativeHold  setInitiativeRound  setLabel  setLayer  setLibProperty  
setLight  setMacroCommand  setMacroProps  setName  setNotes  setPC  
setProperty  setPropertyType  setSightType  setSize  setSpeech  setState  
setStrProp  setTokenImage  setVisible  sortInitiative  sqr  sqrt  square  
squareroot  startsWith  strPropFromVars  strfind  strformat  string  
stringToList  substring  subtract  sum  switchToken  setDrawOrder  
table  tableImage  tbl  tblImage  trim  

Comment & Number

Comment Block

Comment Open


Comment Close



Activated Operators


Delimiter 1

Boundary Open


Boundary Close


Delimiter 2

Boundary Open


Boundary Close
