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listGet() Function

Introduced in version 1.3b42
Returns the value in the string list at the specified index. The index for a string list starts at 0.

Known Bug: If you use a whitespace character like a SPACE or TAB, listGet will pull the wrong indexed value.

[H: a = "1 2  4 5"]
[r: listGet(a,3," ")]
Output is 5, when it should be 4 because of the 2 SPACE characters counting as 1.


listGet(list, index)
listGet(list, index, delim)

If delim is not specified then the default value of ',' is used as the value separator in the string list


[r: listGet("This, is, a , test", 2)]

Returns a

[r: listGet("This: is: a :test", 1, ":")]
Returns is