evalMacro() Function
Note: This function can only be used in a Trusted Macro
• Introduced in version 1.3b49
Evaluates and "executes" the macro in a string and returns the result. The string contains the same type of macro commands that you would put in a token macro with the exception that it can not contain slash commands.
If you are performing rolls in the macro that create tool tips or use [e: ] then you will have to use either { } or [r: ] to display the output otherwise you will get incorrect formatting.
The evalMacro() function executes the macro in the same variable scope (i.e. the executed macro can read and alter variables from the current macro), where as execMacro() creates a new variable scope (i.e. the executed macro can neither read nor alter varaibles from the current macro).Usage
- The string containing the macro script that is evaluated/executed.
[h: setNotes(evalMacro('[r,macro("CreateNotes@Lib:Notes"): ""]'))]
Sets the Notes of a Token to the output of the CreateNotes
macro located on the Lib:Notes
Library Token.
[r: evalMacro("[h: TestVar1 = 5][h: TestVar2 = 10][TestVar1+TestVar2]")]
Returns 15
[h: TestVar3 = 10]
[h: TestVar4 = 20]
[r: evalMacro("[TestVar3+TestVar4]")]
Returns 30
[h: TestVar3 = 15]
[h: TestVar4 = 30]
[h: evalMacro("[TestVar5 = TestVar3+TestVar4]")]
Returns 45
[h: TestVar6 = 20]
[h: TestVar7 = 40]
[r: execMacro("[TestVar6+TestVar7]")]
Prompts for the values of TestVar6
and TestVar7
, then it returns the sum of those two values.
[h: TestVar8 = 50]
[h: TestVar9 = 100]
[h: TestVar10 = 0]
[h: execMacro("[TestVar10 = TestVar8+TestVar9]")]