Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations pour éditer et créer vos pages wiki.
Il n'y a pas à proprement parler de charte graphique extrêmement détaillée, donc vous devrez jeter un œil aux articles existants et vous en inspirer. Si vous voulez être sûr que l'article que vous êtes en train de regarder est correctement formaté, vous pouvez rechercher les articles récemment éditée dans Modifications récentes We don't currently have a full-fledged editing guidelines written up, so in the meantime you'll have to take a peek at how current articles are being editing. A good way to make sure you're looking at an article that has the current formatting is to look for recently edited function articles in the Special:RecentChanges and look at Rumble's newer Introduction Series
We use templates rather extensively, so reading the Help:Editing article will help a lot with understanding the syntax of our custom templates.
Although you might stumble across an article within a namespace, we currently place all articles in the main namespace(which is to say, no namespace), with the exception of this special Editor namespace. If you happen to come across one of those articles that is still within a namespace, it is most likely due to plans of splitting it, or perhaps rewriting it, don't worry about moving it.
Informational Pages
Discussion Pages:
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