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In no particular order.

  • Cleaning up red links to point to existing articles, or conceptual articles with the same name.
  • Breaking up Roll Types and Branching and Looping options.
    • Completed rough copy-over, the articles still need some individual polish.
  • Finishing stub function articles.
  • Setting the wiki up for localization.

List of function that aren't highlighting properly

Needs updating assert pow

Keeping track of in-progress version updates


You can also specify a macro to call when certain changes are using the format.


   <link rel='onChangeImpersonated' type='macro' href='[i]macroLink[/i]'>
   <link rel='onChangeSelection' type='macro' href='[i]macroLink[/i]'>
   <link rel='onChangeToken' type='macro' href='[i]macroLink[/i]'>

If you insert the above lines into the HTML for the dialog or frame then the macroLink (which you create via the macroLinkText() function) will be called.

onChangeSelection - Is called when the list of selected tokens is changed, you may get this more than once if a new list is selected (once for the delsection of old tokens, and once for new selection).

onChangeImpersonated - Is called when a new token is impersonated or the current token is no longer impersonated.

onChangeToken - Should be called when ever a change is made to a token, but it doesn't always work out that way at the moment (I am still looking at how to fix this).

The <title> tag can be used to set the title of a dialog or frame from within the HTML.

Other tags that can be used for dialogs You can set the temporary status of dialogs or the input status of dialogs using the <meta> tag in the HTML they will display.


   <meta name="input" content="true">
   <meta name="temporary" content="true">


you can now use <link rel='onChangeToken' type='macro' href='linkToMacro'>

1.3b51 <meta name="closebutton" content="false"> To disable remove the close button for dialogs. Unlike setting the dialog to input this will not close the dialog once a form has been submitted. So you can choose to keep it open or close it with closeDialog() if you only want to close it based on certain criteria. Using the closebutton and input together are not supported so don't do it!