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- !!unknown-macro!!
- AI Pathfinding
- AI Pathfinding/ja
- Add-On Library
- Adding VBL with a Mask
- Adding extra image files to tokens
- Asset ID
- Asset ID/ja
- Asynchronous Javascript Requests
- Aura
- Authentification/de
- Auto Resize
- Automate Updating a Token Property
- Automate Updating a Token Property/ja
- Available Loggers
- Avoiding Stack Overflow
- Bag of Tricks
- Bars
- Bilingual Glossary/ja
- CR to XP
- Calling macros
- Campaign File
- Chat Commands
- Chat Commands/de
- Chat Commands/ja
- Chat Commands/jp
- ClearLights
- ClearRolls
- ClearTable
- CloseDialog
- CloseFrame
- CloseOverlay
- Code (roll option)
- Command Line Options
- Concat
- Cookbook Ingredients - Code Snippets
- CopyMap
- CopyTable
- CopyToken
- CopyToken legacy
- CountStrProp
- Count (roll option)
- Countsuccess
- CreateMacro
- CreateTable
- CreateToken
- CreateTokens
- Create Macro Buttons with a Macro
- Creating Macro Buttons Using a Macro
- Creating TokenTool Overlays
- Creating TokenTool Overlays/ja
- Creating a List Input with Names and Images
- Creation of Add-on libraries
- CurrentToken
- Current Token
- Current Token/ja
- Custom Robust eval Function
- Debugging Tutorial
- Decode
- DefineAudioSource
- DefineFunction
- DeleteStrProp
- DeleteTable
- DeleteTableEntry
- DeselectTokens
- Dialog5 (roll option)
- Dialog (roll option)
- Dice Box
- Dice Box/ja
- Dice Expressions
- Dice Expressions/ja
- Divide
- DrawHillVBL
- DrawMBL
- DrawPitVBL
- DrawVBL
- Draw Explorer
- Drop
- DropHighest
- E (roll option)
- EditStream
- Editor
- Editor/de
- Editor/fr
- Editor:To Do
- Editor:Translation
- Editor:Translation/de
- Editor:Translation/es
- Editor:Translation/fr
- Editor:Translation/it
- Editor:Translation/ja
- Editor:Wanted Pages
- Efficient Map Creation
- Encounter Tables (D&D 5e Style)
- Feature List
- Feature List/de
- Feature List/ja
- Fetch
- FindDrawings
- FindToken
- FlipTokenIso
- FlipTokenX
- FlipTokenY
- Floor
- Fog of War
- Fog of War/ja
- For (roll option)
- FormatStrProp
- Forms tutorial
- Frame5 (roll option)
- Frame (roll option)
- Frameworks
- Fudge
- G (roll option)
- Ge
- Generate Variables From JSON
- GetAllMapDisplayNames
- GetAllMapNames
- GetAllPlayerNames
- GetAllPropertyNames
- GetAllowsURIAccess
- GetAlwaysVisible
- GetAssetProperties
- GetBar
- GetBarImage
- GetCurrentInitiative
- GetCurrentMapName
- GetDefinedFunctions
- GetDialogProperties
- GetDistance
- GetDistanceToXY
- GetDrawingEraser
- GetDrawingInfo
- GetDrawingLayer
- GetDrawingOpacity
- GetDrawingProperties
- GetEnvironmentVariable
- GetExposedTokenNames
- GetExposedTokens
- GetFillColor
- GetFindCount
- GetFrameProperties
- GetGMName
- GetGMNotes
- GetGroup
- GetGroupCount
- GetGroupEnd
- GetGroupStart
- GetHalo
- GetHillVBL
- GetImage
- GetImpersonated
- GetImpersonatedName
- GetInfo
- GetInitiative
- GetInitiativeHold
- GetInitiativeList
- GetInitiativeRound
- GetInitiativeToken
- GetLabel
- GetLastPath
- GetLayer
- GetLibProperty
- GetLibPropertyNames
- GetLights
- GetLineCap
- GetMBL
- GetMacroButtonIndex
- GetMacroCommand
- GetMacroContext
- GetMacroGroup
- GetMacroIndexes
- GetMacroLocation
- GetMacroName
- GetMacroProps
- GetMacros
- GetMapDisplayName
- GetMapName
- GetMapVisible
- GetMatchingLibProperties
- GetMatchingProperties
- GetMaxLoopIterations
- GetMaxRecursionDepth
- GetMoveCount
- GetNPC
- GetNPCNames
- GetName
- GetNewRolls
- GetNotes
- GetOverlayProperties
- GetOwned
- GetOwnedNames
- GetOwnerOnlyVisible
- GetOwnerOnlyVisible()
- GetOwners
- GetPC
- GetPCNames
- GetPenColor
- GetPenWidth
- GetPitVBL
- GetPlayerName
- GetProperty
- GetPropertyDefault
- GetPropertyNames
- GetPropertyNamesRaw
- GetPropertyType
- GetRawProperty
- GetRecursionDepth
- GetRolled
- GetSelected
- GetSelectedNames
- GetSightType
- GetSize
- GetSoundProperties
- GetSpeech
- GetSpeechNames
- GetState
- GetStateImage
- GetStrProp
- GetTableAccess
- GetTableEntry
- GetTableImage
- GetTableNames
- GetTablePickOnce
- GetTablePicksLeft
- GetTableRoll
- GetTableVisible
- GetTerrainModifier
- GetTextLabelStatus
- GetTokenDrawOrder
- GetTokenFacing
- GetTokenGMName
- GetTokenHalo
- GetTokenHandout
- GetTokenHeight
- GetTokenHillVBL
- GetTokenImage
- GetTokenLabel
- GetTokenLayoutProps
- GetTokenMBL
- GetTokenMap
- GetTokenNames
- GetTokenNativeHeight
- GetTokenNativeWidth
- GetTokenOpacity
- GetTokenPitVBL
- GetTokenPortrait
- GetTokenRotation
- GetTokenShape
- GetTokenStates
- GetTokenVBL
- GetTokenWidth
- GetTokenX
- GetTokenY
- GetTokens
- GetTokens/ja
- GetVBL
- GetViewArea
- GetViewCenter
- GetVisible
- GetVisibleMapDisplayNames
- GetVisibleMapNames
- GetVisibleTokenNames
- GetVisibleTokens
- GetWithState
- GetWithStateNames
- GetZoom
- Glossary
- Glossary/de
- Glossary/ja
- Gm (roll option)
- Gmtt (roll option)
- Goto
- Gt
- Gt (roll option)
- Guide to Initiative Events
- Guide to onTokenMove
- HP and Health Bars
- HTML5 - JavaScript functions
- H (roll option)
- Halo
- HasImpersonated
- HasLightSource
- HasMacro
- HasProperty
- HasSight
- Herobody
- Herokilling
- Herokilling2
- Herolab.XPath
- Herolab.getImage
- Herolab.getInfo
- Herolab.getMasterName
- Herolab.getStatBlock
- Herolab.hasChanged
- Herolab.isMinion
- Herolab.refresh
- Heromultiplier
- Herostun
- Hex
- Hidden (roll option)
- HideTextLabels
- Hide (roll option)
- Hit Check Function
- How to use HeroLab Functions
- Html.dialog
- Html.dialog5
- Html.frame
- Html.frame5
- Html.overlay
- Hypotenuse
- If
- If (roll option)
- Image Token
- Image Token/ja
- Impersonate
- Impersonated token
- Impersonated token/ja
- Import Dungeondraft Map
- IndexKeyStrProp
- IndexOf
- IndexValueStrProp
- Initiative:Initiative Panel
- Initiative:initiative Panel
- InitiativeSize
- Initiative Panel
- Input
- Introduction to Add-on libraries
- Introduction to Bars
- Introduction to Bars/ja
- Introduction to Campaign Repositories
- Introduction to Campaign Repositories/es
- Introduction to Campaign Repositories/fr
- Introduction to Campaign Repositories/ja
- Introduction to Dialogs and Frames
- Introduction to Game Hosting
- Introduction to Game Hosting/de
- Introduction to Game Hosting/es
- Introduction to Game Hosting/fr
- Introduction to Game Hosting/it
- Introduction to Game Hosting/ja
- Introduction to Initiative
- Introduction to JSON Datatypes
- Introduction to Lights and Sights
- Introduction to Lights and Sights/de